NISO Circulation Interchange Protocol (NCIP)/ Z39.83

The NCIP standard/protocol is used primarily in the US and Canada, and is the standard that is used to exchange circulation information between systems such as self-service circulation, ILL systems, and other systems that need to pass/exchange data about item availability and other circulation type information.

Open URL (Z39.88)

The Z39.88 standard, or Open URL Framework for context sensitive services.  Open URL is used heavily to connect different services related to discovery and delivery.  Open URL allows users to navigate from a citation and either be direct to a full version or request a full version in a fulfillment system.


Umlaut, developed at Johns Hopkins, calls itself an “open source front-end for a link-resolver.”  There are examples of connecting this to the Ex Libris SFX Link Resolver via API.  Umlaut provides more flexibility on the link resolver interface, and more integration possibilities.

Github page:

Code 4 Lib Umlaut page:

View a webinar by the creator of Umlaut:



Coral ERM

Coral Electronic Resource Management System is a full functionality EResources Management System developed in 2010 by University of Notre Dame Libraries.

Coral’s entire code base is free to download, and is being actively developed (as of May 2017), and usage is growing in the US and Europe.